Dos and don'ts for motivating the team: Institute a bonus system

2014 02 13 13 44 50 61 Practice Success200x200

Use a bonus system to foster teamwork

A properly designed bonus system is a highly effective way to increase practice profitability. It also motivates your practice staff to work as a team. And there is no financial risk: Bonuses are paid out only if you reach the target.


Motivate the team effectively. To get team members working together, follow these guidelines:

  • Offer a substantial bonus based on reaching goals for increased production and collections.
  • Make it a team bonus to be shared by all.
  • Track performance against the goal and report it to staff weekly.
  • At monthly business reviews, discuss what's working -- and what's not -- to help motivate individuals to improve their performances.


Don't target only production; target collections, too. Team members will show greater commitment when they understand that the practice's financial success -- and their bonuses -- depend on revenues. Stress the importance of collecting what is owed by patients and insurance companies.

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