Dos and don'ts for team management: Accentuate the positive in performance reviews

2014 02 13 13 44 50 61 Practice Success200x200

Though performance reviews typically only occur once a year, their impact on job performance and attitude can be tremendous -- if they are done properly. The key is to take a positive approach.


Structure the review carefully, but keep it conversational. Performance reviews are too important to play by ear. Create a step-by-step outline that all reviews will follow, featuring the up-to-date job description, assigned targets and results, and other components. Prepare notes for each team member's review. Begin in a way that encourages employees to feel comfortable talking. And, most important, keep the entire conversation positive -- what the team member has done well, what can be done to improve performance, and how the practice can help.


Don't engage in nit-picking or criticism. Even if it's possible to find fault with team members, do not allow such negativity to ruin the positive value of performance reviews. Address performance issues in a constructive manner. One of your jobs as practice leader is to inspire and motivate staff members to excel and show that you care about their careers and well-being.

Roger P. Levin, DDS, is the chairman and CEO of practice management consulting firm Levin Group.

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