Tech firm to co-sponsor ADEA scholarship programs

The American Dental Education Association (ADEA), in partnership with information technology company Liaison International, will sponsor two student scholarship opportunities.

The Academic Dental Careers Fellowship Program (ADCFP) provides a year's scholarship for students who are seeking wider exposure to careers in academic dentistry. Ten such fellowships receive financial support from the ADEAGies Foundation, the Association's philanthropic arm, in cooperation with the American Association for Dental Research.

An 11th fellowship is now made possible by Liaison International's co-sponsorship with ADEA.

In addition, the new ADEA/Liaison International GoDental Internship aims to increase the predental recipient's knowledge about dental education by providing him or her opportunities to engage with dental students and faculty.

The year-long program allows the awardee to work closely with ADEA staff to improve the GoDental website and to develop new ways of networking with future and current dental students.

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