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At last! Advertising that makes money

Editor's note: Richard Geller's column, Marketing Madness, appears regularly on the advice and opinion page, Second Opinion.

If you want to advertise effectively, don't do what everyone else does.

Don't make your advertising look like advertising. Nobody wants to read advertising. What they want to read is news.

Take a look at your local newspaper or Yes, there are lots of pictures. Yes, there are lots of videos. But more than anything else there are lots of words.

Words strung together as news.

I spoke to a doc recently and asked him, "What's new?" He shrugged. Nothing much, he guesses.

Too close to the forest to see the trees.

Another doc came out with an ad like the following:

Sedation Dentistry Authority Admits Shocking Truth ...
"The Real Solution of Your Dental Fears, Anxieties, and Phobias Can Be Solved Immediately ... Without Pain, Needles, or Drills!"

Now THAT is news. Who wouldn't want to find out more? Who wouldn't want to go to a doc who promises no pain, needles, or drills?

Your patients don't know what you know. It's all news to them.

Here are three more ideas for news stories you can make into ads:

  1. New method of removing bad teeth lets you be up and about the same day, with almost total comfort.
  2. Revolutionary implants let you leave the office with new teeth -- all in one visit.
  3. This quick and simple procedure may slash your risk of heart disease.

Each of the above can and should be backed up with hard-hitting copy connecting the dots. I prefer ads that promise a free report that can explain things in more depth. An audio CD is even better because people will listen in their car.

And for more tips, please visit my Web site to get my newsletter and a copy of the underground classic book on case acceptance -- completely free.

The comments and observations expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the opinions of, nor should they be construed as an endorsement or admonishment of any particular idea, vendor, or organization.

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