$2M HRSA grant awarded to improve special needs care

2020 01 06 18 59 6428 Dollar Sign Golden 400

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) awarded an approximately $2 million grant to New York University (NYU) College of Dentistry's pediatric dentistry department to train dentists to provide oral healthcare to those with special needs.

The funds will be used to integrate new training programs and curricula into NYU's existing advanced education program in pediatric dentistry. The training will aim to educate general dentists and hygienists about caring for patients with disabilities and complex medical conditions.

NYU's dental school will create a one-year program, which will begin in September 2021, for dentists and dental hygienists caring for children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities. In addition, the program will partner with NYU Rory Meyers College of Nursing on a pilot teledentistry program. Nurse practitioner students doing clinical rotations in New York City schools and other community settings will connect people with disabilities to NYU Dentistry for virtual treatment planning and referrals.

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