UNH funds to help seniors' dental health

The University of New Haven (UNH) Dental Hygiene Program will launch a pilot project to help senior citizens improve their dental health.

The project will be funded with a $10,435 grant from the Dental Trade Alliance (DTA) Foundation of Arlington, VA, according to the university. It is part of a program for innovative oral health programs aimed at encouraging changes in consumer behavior, improving access, and enhancing the efficiency of the oral healthcare system.

The project, Your Mouth is the Gateway to Good Health, will focus on seniors who are at the highest risk for dental problems.

A team of student dental hygienists and supervising dental hygiene educators will offer outreach, education, and oral health screening services to more than 250 seniors, provide easy access to preventive dental services at the UNH campus-based dental clinic in West Haven, CT, and make referrals for simple dental emergency services to community dentists.

The grant will also fund in-service workshops to direct care staff, such as nurses and others who work at each residential facility, to prepare them to be better able to reinforce daily oral hygiene habits.

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