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Mahidol dental school opens simulation center

Mahidol University Faculty of Dentistry in Bangkok will hold a ribbon-cutting ceremony on July 7 to celebrate the opening of its Dental Simulation Center.

Dental students at Mahidol University are now able to hone their skills by training on 120 DentSims, a computerized simulation system used for dental training and practice developed and marketed by Image Navigation.

Using DentSim, faculty at Mahidol will guide students through problems presented in different fields, such as operative dentistry, prosthodontics, endodontics, and implant dentistry. Students will practice drilling on lifelike manikins utilizing the DentSim GPS-like positioning system to track the location of the handpiece to tenths of a millimeter.

The DentSim interactive software will enable each student to receive on-demand feedback organized according to different parameters. Students will sequentially develop and analyze the performance tasks of operative dentistry, and Mahidol professors will be able to playback and critique a three- or four-minute movie of each student's two hours of work in the clinic on the DentSim.

After one year in the clinic, a Mahidol University dental student practicing on DentSim will have received more than 1,000 complete evaluations of his or her work, the school noted in a press release.

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