Program brings nursing students into dental clinic

Case Western Reserve University is bringing students from its nursing school into its school of dentistry as part of a three-year test project, the university announced. The Collaborative Home for Oral Health, Medical Review and Health Promotion (CHOMP) is bringing students from the university's Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing together with School of Dental Medicine students to offer interprofessional care to patients.

The nursing school received a $265,000 grant from the Health Resources and Service Administration for the program. Its purpose is to seek out innovative ways for collaboration between health science professions, according to the university. The grant will cover the cost of heath screenings and immunizations for patients paying for dental care. Screenings include cholesterol, glucose, blood pressure, red and white blood cell counts, and an option for HIV. Nurses will also be enabled to administer immunizations and prescribe medications for certain acute health issues and nonchronic illnesses.

The program will debut in late January at the Case Western Reserve dental clinic. If successful and economically viable, the program could expand to five days a week.

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