Dos and don'ts for practice leadership: Dare to innovate

2014 02 13 13 44 50 61 Practice Success200x200

Most dentists understand the value of innovation but fail to realize that it can be risky. By definition, a new idea is one that has not yet proved itself to be effective. For that reason, it may not work as expected. For dentists -- who like being in control -- venturing into new territory requires a willingness to risk failure.

2009 06 04 09 39 24 473 Disp Do

Take reasonable risks. Dentists are trained to avoid any risks involving patients, so they tend to be risk-averse in other areas. To grow steadily in a slow economy, practices must find better ways of doing business -- which often entails departures from the status quo. The change could be anything from giving team members more responsibility to trying new technology. Weigh the pros and cons, determine the likelihood of success, and "go for it."

2009 06 04 09 39 35 525 Disp Dont

Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Fear of failure can prevent success. Good leaders are not perfect. They sometimes make mistakes, but by monitoring consequences they can take corrective action, learn from what went wrong, and move onto the next innovation.

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