Recruiters target Medicaid youths for dental treatment

Recruiters for a Texas dentist have been soliciting young people on the street and taking them to his clinic for procedures, allegedly without their parents' permission.

Recently, four boys, ages 13 through 17, were walking in their Dallas neighborhood when a man drove up in a van and asked them if they were on Medicaid, according to a story by WFAA-TV.

When they all said yes, the man allegedly told them they could earn $10 if they went to a dentist office to have their teeth cleaned. He then took them to All About Dentistry in Dallas, one of three clinics owned by Hamid Farahani, DDS, according to WFAA.

The boys say they were then asked to sign their mothers' names on some papers and treated by a man they assumed was a dentist. Once in the chair, the dentist performed multiple restorations, they told WFAA.

The boys were not given any forms outlining what had been done to them, and their parents have been unable to get any information from Dr. Farahani, according to the story.

Dr. Farahani has denied the boys were mistreated. He did admit to WFAA that he employs a "marketer" to bring in patients.

Paying parents on Medicaid to bring children for medical care is illegal, WFAA noted.

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