Dos and don’ts for practice marketing: Promote from within

2014 02 13 13 44 50 61 Practice Success200x200

Marketing with greater effectiveness

Most dental practices have come to realize how important marketing is to their growth and success, especially since the economic slowdown. However, many have yet to figure out how to develop and maintain a consistent, powerful, and cost-effective marketing program to increase production.


Come up with at least 15 custom strategies for generating new patient referrals. Use all 15 strategies simultaneously and replace those that begin to lose effectiveness. It has been proven that both the quantity and the quality of internal marketing strategies are essential for practice growth.


Don't confuse external marketing and internal marketing. External marketing consists of such things as ads, mailers, and other vehicles for sales messages aimed at consumers. It typically doesn't work well for dental practices, and it can be very expensive. Internal marketing, which involves motivating current patients to refer new patients, is much more effective.

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