Dos and don'ts for practice improvement

2014 02 13 13 44 50 61 Practice Success200x200

Get the team involved

Running the practice often falls solely on the dentist's shoulder, but remember: You are not alone. You have a team of highly skilled, dedicated employees who are ready to help -- sometimes all they need is to be asked.

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Ask for suggestions. Before the next monthly staff meeting, ask each team member to bring a list of 10 possible improvements that can be made in the office. At the meeting, break the suggestions into categories: What can be done immediately, what will take time, what needs refinement, and what's not practical.

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Don't ignore outside-the-office opportunities. Organize at least one offsite, all-day retreat per year to focus on current issues and strategic planning for the practice. This is effective in bringing the team together and identifying key areas to help the practice reach higher levels of efficiency and success.

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