Goals vs. reality, Part 2

Editor's note: The Coaches Corner column appears regularly on the DrBicuspid.com advice and opinion page, Second Opinion.

To help compensate for this human propensity toward the subjective (the false reality of opinions, gossip, blame, judgments, concerns, and fears), you need to ask questions of your staff using words that are descriptive in nature rather than evaluative. Descriptions usually add value; criticism or evaluative descriptions usually detract from your best intentions.

Examples of this "false reality" showing up include "I'll tell you what I think you want to hear" or "I'll tell you what I think will keep me out of trouble and keep the status quo." Compare these to reality-based questions that describe and contribute value, such as "What action have you taken on this so far?" and "What were the effects of that action?"

Often your staff has thought about the problems for a long time. But it is only when asked what action they have taken that they realize that they have taken no action at all!

The point is that any goals put in place based on an opinion (false reality, including your own) contribute to the problems being addressed by goals. For example, coming at them with support, alignment of values, and reality-based evidence goes a long way toward helping you succeed in business and life with your goals.

Ask descriptive questions, get the facts, stay reality-based, and get results.

Dan Kingsbury, D.D.S., life and dental coach, is a co-founder of the Dental Coaches Association, an organization of dentists who are professional coaches committed to bringing coaching to the dental profession. Learn more by visiting DentalCoachesAssociation.org.

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