Sirona donates 10 Cerec systems to dental school

Sirona Dental Systems has donated 10 Cerec CAD/CAM systems to the University of Maryland Dental School -- a gift worth $339,000, according to the university.

The dental school considers itself a leader in teaching the use of computer-aided technologies that aid in the design, analysis, and manufacture of dental restorations, according to its website. The Cerec system designs, analyzes, and mills tooth crowns and partial crowns in less than an hour during a single patient visit, according to Sirona.

"In future dental schools and dental offices, virtually everything is going to be done digitally," said Gary Hack, D.D.S., an associate professor at the dental school. "Many of our dental restorations are going to be designed on a computer."

The Cerec systems will advance the school's educational program in the teaching of digital dentistry in its high-tech "Dream Room," Dr. Hack said.

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