TeleVox upgrades practice management software

TeleVox Software is upgrading its T.Link practice management software to T.Link EC at no charge. The program is designed to help dentists and orthodontists build and strengthen practice and patient communications through a single Web-based system, according to the company.

Enhancements include new practice marketing, patient referral, patient survey, and social media tools.

T.Link EC's user interface has been redesigned to deliver a more intuitive user experience and faster access to patient notification, appointment, and practice marketing tools. Navigation has been improved so that most features and tools can be accessed in three or fewer mouse clicks.

T.Link EC allows practices to choose from a set of preinstalled creative e-mail and e-newsletter templates, which promote a range of initiatives, including new products and services, patient-get-patient promotions, oral health reminders, and interpractice promotions. All T.Link EC e-mail templates are HIPAA-compliant, according to the company.

The Marketing Manager features provide the ability to conduct highly targeted, personalized, and individually timed e-mail campaigns that can be distributed according to patient age or location.

The package also offers a survey engine designed to help practices track customer satisfaction and treatment success, and identify possible unmet needs. T.Link EC's Patient Pulse comes with a set of survey templates that are customizable to a practice's needs, while also allowing practices to build custom surveys from scratch. Individual surveys can be timed to be sent to a customer immediately after an appointment.

Patient Pulse also provides practices with the ability to deliver personalized care and treatment information to improve patient education and treatment outcomes.

Also new is Buzz Builder, a set of features designed to help practices strengthen their patient referral activities and build their social media presence. All T.Link EC patient messages and automated patient notifications can now be sent via Twitter or Facebook. Patients can also be encouraged to forward practice promotions to a friend or participate in Refer-A-Friend promotions, by leveraging Refer-A-Friend buttons.

The upgraded software also includes improved patient notification and engagement features. Via T.Link EC's secure portal, patients can log in to access their treatment information, including appointment times, billing information, and new product and service information. They can also update and edit contact information, find emergency and after-hours information, and pay their bills online.

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