Dos and don'ts for bonus systems

2014 02 13 13 44 50 61 Practice Success200x200

Making bonus systems work for the team and the practice

As the economy begins to recover, more dentists will want to think about bonus systems. The right bonus system can help you take your practice to the next level, because it has the potential to motivate staff and increase practice production.

2009 06 04 09 39 24 473 Disp Do

Make certain the bonus is based on collections, not production. Bonuses based on production are problematic, because you cannot spend what you have not collected. Also, a bonus should be a team bonus. For the practice to meet its goals, everyone on the team must contribute.

2009 06 04 09 39 35 525 Disp Dont

Don't make it difficult to understand the goals that trigger the bonus system. Confusion doesn't inspire team members. Also, don't keep the bonus status a secret. Make sure all team members can easily track the progress toward the goal. This adds excitement and motivation to get there.

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