The U.S. Food and Drug Association (FDA) granted clearance to a device from Perimetrics that uses artificial intelligence to help quantify tooth cracks, failing restorations, and dental implant mobility.
The FDA cleared the InnerView device, which includes a wireless handpiece, a charging base station, and a disposable tip with embedded smart chips. The FDA also provided clearance for the device’s ability to measure the damping characteristic of the periodontium and its associated fixed structures, including teeth and dental implants.
Through a handheld, wireless handpiece, InnerView uses quantitative percussion diagnostics, a mechanical test, to analyze the structural integrity of teeth and implants. It uses light taps on either a tooth or implant while a sensor on the handpiece detects micromovements and structural defects, which other diagnostics often cannot detect.
A smart chip is housed in a single-use disposable tip, which captures HIPAA-compliant data in nearly real time to detect damage. With the use of proprietary software, data from each tooth are analyzed and provided to the clinician. InnerView is expected to be commercially available in the second quarter of 2024.