3 ways your practice can benefit from a treatment coordinator

2014 10 28 15 00 54 287 Mc Kenzie Sally 200

Every time a patient decides not to go forward with treatment, it costs you money -- and these days it seems like you're hearing patients tell you "no" far more than you're hearing them say "yes."

Sally McKenzie, CEO of McKenzie Management.Sally McKenzie, CEO of McKenzie Management.

I know all this rejection is difficult to take, but there are ways you can increase case acceptance in your practice. One of those ways is hiring a treatment coordinator.

If you hire a treatment coordinator and set this team member up for success with the proper sales training and resources, you'll soon notice more patients scheduling treatment. Not only will your patients get the treatment they need, your case acceptance rates will get closer and closer to that 85% industry benchmark. And that, dear doctor, will help your practice finally achieve true success and profitability.

So why is a treatment coordinator so crucial to improving your case acceptance rates? Here are three ways treatment coordinator help get patients to say "yes" to treatment, boosting your productivity numbers and your bottom line.

Your treatment coordinator provides a consistent message

If your practice's producers handle their own case presentations, I can almost guarantee your patients aren't getting a consistent message about the services your practice offers. Treatment coordinators help ensure consistency of the sales process and should handle case presentations for all producers in the practice. This eliminates confusing, conflicting messages that may have patients second-guessing entrusting your practice with their care.

Treatment coordinators put patients at ease

When you present treatment to a patient, you likely only have five or 10 minutes to go over the procedure and benefits before you have to move on. Your patients can tell you're in a hurry, and they won't want to waste your time with their silly questions. So they leave your office not truly understanding the consequences of not moving forward with treatment, making them much less likely to schedule an appointment.

If you hire a treatment coordinator, this team member will spend time going over every aspect of treatment with patients, from how long it will take to how much it will cost. The treatment coordinator should talk with patients in a comfortable, quiet environment and take the time to explain the procedure and address any concerns they might have.

This conversation not only helps put patients at ease, it helps them understand the importance of going forward with treatment. And when your patients understand the value of the services you provide and the importance of maintaining their oral health, your case acceptance rates will rise.

Your treatment coordinator will follow up

Most patients don't accept treatment right away. They want to think about their options and talk everything over with their spouse or partner before scheduling any appointments. That's understandable, but if you want to get these patients on the schedule, you have to follow up.

Your treatment coordinator should be trained to schedule follow-up calls with all patients before they leave. If patients can't commit to a time, your coordinator should call two days after the initial case presentation.

To be successful, these follow-up calls can't just be off the cuff. Before dialing, your coordinator should be armed with a script and prepared to address concerns patients brought up during the initial presentation. This preparation will help ensure these calls get results and that patients schedule treatment before hanging up the phone.

Patients say no to treatment for many reasons, but they're less likely to say no if they're educated. Hiring a treatment coordinator who presents treatment for all producers in your practice will not only help ensure you deliver a consistent message to your patients about the services you provide, it will help ensure patients truly understand the importance of going forward with treatment. And that will boost your case acceptance rates, you productivity, and your bottom line.

Sally McKenzie is CEO of McKenzie Management, which offers educational and management products available at www.mckenziemgmt.com. Contact her directly at 877-777-6151 or at [email protected].

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