Dos and don'ts for patient communication

2014 02 13 13 44 50 61 Practice Success200x200

Script all routine conversations

Every patient interaction involves communication. Many practices implement scripting but only for targeted systems, such as case presentation. Levin Group recommends using scripts for every routine conversation. This comprehensive approach generates the best results for practices in terms of excellent customer service and increased patient referrals.

2009 06 04 09 39 24 473 Disp Do

Train your team using scripts. Devote a portion of daily and monthly meetings to reviewing scripts and role-playing. This training exercise makes the scripts come alive and allows team members to see the practices (and its policies) through the eyes of patients. Always a valuable experience!

2009 06 04 09 39 35 525 Disp Dont

Don't leave your scripts on the shelf. Some offices will go through the challenging work of creating scripts, then never implement them into the practice. Don't make that mistake! Remember, enhancing the communications skills of your team will benefit every aspect of your practice.

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