Dos and don'ts for scripting: Subtle scripting for superior service

2014 02 13 13 44 50 61 Practice Success200x200

What you say to patients, and how you say it, has a huge impact on customer service and your ability to influence and educate. Detailed scripting can help you and your team interact with patients in powerful ways.


Make patients feel like they're part of your "practice family." To make patients feel more welcome and comfortable at your office, substitute the word "we" for "I" in conversations with them. Also, give them your undivided attention whenever you speak with them. These scripting techniques help create highly satisfied patients -- who will be more likely to keep their appointments, accept recommended treatment, and refer others to your practice.


Don't say, "That's impossible." When a patient asks a question such as, "May I have an appointment on Tuesday?" and your answer is, "That's impossible," think about your unspoken message. You are essentially telling this person that your practice doesn't care. Instead, let parents know what is possible. If they ask for something that you can't provide, say, "It is possible for us to do that on Wednesday." Focus on the positive and the possibilities.

Roger P. Levin, DDS, is the chairman and CEO of practice management consulting firm Levin Group. You can connect with Levin Group on Facebook and Twitter (@Levin_Group) to learn more strategies and share ideas. Also, check out Dr. Levin's free practice management videos at

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