Do's and don'ts for scripting: The power of positive communication

2016 11 18 14 42 01 206 Practice Success2 400

Going to the dentist will never make anybody's top 10 list of fun activities. Yet, there's much you can do to put callers, visitors, and patients in the right frame of mind about your practice. Using the right words and saying them in the right way can turn a potentially negative interaction into a positive experience.


Say "yes" to patients. The more ways you can say "yes," the more patients will like your practice. Try to answer all patient questions in the positive. That may sound impossible, but it can be done even when you can't grant the request. For example, a patient asks for an appointment on Wednesday morning, but you don't have any time slots then. Which of the following responses sounds better?

  1. "Sorry, Mrs. Jones, we don't have anything available then."
  2. "Let me see ... we do have Thursday at 10 and Friday at 11 available. What works for you?"

Instead of saying "no," the front desk coordinator provided alternatives that were similar to the original request.


Don't go negative. Even in exchanges with team members, try to eliminate the use of all negative words, including "no," "don't," "won't," "isn't," etc. By flipping the script on negative language, you can create a more positive rapport with patients and staff members.

Roger P. Levin, DDS, is the founder and CEO of Levin Group, the leading dental practice consulting firm in North America. For the complete list of dates and locations where you can attend his latest seminar, visit

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