Sirona's prepCheck performs well in pilot study

Dental students rated the computer-assisted analysis system prepCheck from Sirona Dental Systems as "good or better" in a pilot study conducted at the Center for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at Goethe University.

The computer-assisted analysis system prepCheck enables dental students to check their preparations, the company explained in a press release. The tool provides standardized and reproducible measurement values that are displayed in color.

In addition, students were able to identify sharp edges and undercuts more readily with prepCheck and regarded it as helpful to be able to assess the planned restoration in advance and also check their own work. And students recommended use of the system in the phantom course of dental studies and also when preparing for exams. All the participants evaluated working with the system as "simple."

prepCheck has been integrated into the dental studies curriculum at the University of Frankfurt since the 2013 summer semester.

The pilot study was initiated by a project team at the University of Frankfurt. The team selected the study participants from fellow students at the university considered to be neutral and unbiased, and also applied the same conditions to the evaluation. The study participants had all successfully passed the sixth semester and were in the seventh semester of their studies. Moreover, none of them had had any previous experience with Cerec or prepCheck.

Annika Stumpf presented the results of the evaluation at the conference of the Working Group for the Advancement of Dental Education (AKWLZ) and was awarded first prize for her talk. Stumpf, currently in her seventh semester, chose the study as the basis for her dissertation.

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