Dos and don'ts for community marketing: Do well by doing good

2014 02 13 13 44 50 61 Practice Success200x200

Your practice will do well by doing good

To raise your profile and establish a good reputation in your market, create an annual high-visibility event that benefits the community in some way. In contrast with advertising, this form of marketing sends a message of giving and commitment that reflects well on the practice.


Choose a good cause and take "ownership" of it. Involve the entire practice team in selecting a community need to address, such as a food drive for a local food bank or fundraising for a nonprofit organization. Maintain staff involvement through the planning process and during the event itself so that everyone has a stake in seeing it succeed.


Don't neglect the details. Hosting a major community event takes a lot of effort and attention to details. Create a timetable, assign responsibilities, and make it an event to remember -- and one worth repeating year after year. The community will benefit, the practice will make many firsthand connections with its neighbors, and the whole team will feel good about what it accomplishes.

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