Univ. of Pittsburgh offers dental informatics grad program

The Center for Dental Informatics at the University of Pittsburgh's School of Dental Medicine is seeking applicants for its training program in dental informatics.

The Dental Informatics Training Program offers Master of Science and doctoral degrees, and provides training in a cutting-edge discipline that is focused on the application of computer and information science to improve dental practice, research, education, and management.

A full scholarship, stipend, and health insurance are being offered by the National Institutes of Health to eligible individuals.

The dental informatics program is based on the premise that information technology has the potential to help dentistry improve individual and general oral health systematically and consistently. Advances in the integration, miniaturization, and sophistication of computer technology, as well as innovations in digital imaging, signal processing, data visualization, and human factors design, can fundamentally improve the delivery of dental care, according to the university.

Applications for these positions are currently being accepted; the program starts in August 2012. Visit the University of Pittsburgh School of Dental Medicine website for more information, or email Titus Schleyer, DMD, PhD, at [email protected].

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