WSDA offers 'online effectiveness consultation'

Members of the Washington State Dental Association (WSDA) can receive a no-obligation online effectiveness consultation and a 5% discount on the cloud-based Sesame 24-7 integrated online communication system through an exclusive offer from the WSDA and Sesame Communications.

Sesame 24-7 provides a single point of access to practice analytics, integrating performance data on websites, patient engagement, automated patient reminders, social media, search engine optimization, and online marketing into a single dashboard. Dentists can gain immediate view on operations, marketing initiatives, campaign effectiveness, return on investment, and operational key performance indicators, the company noted.

The Sesame no-obligation online effectiveness consultation is available until January 31, 2012. WSDA members can receive the 5% discount on Sesame 24-7 services upon verification of WSDA membership.

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