Dentisoft adds new feature to its dental practice system

Dentisoft Technologies has introduced a new feature to its dental practice system -- an automated appointment reminder service. The company has partnered with Interactive Intelligence Inc. and is using the latter's icNotify outbound hosted notification service.

"This appointment reminder service expands the scope of our patient messaging capabilities with a unique and cost-effective, two-way communications vehicle," said Dentisoft Technologies CEO, Jeff Ulanet in a press release.

The icNotify service delivers pre-recorded appointment reminders to patients, who can respond and confirm these appointments using interactive voice response, eliminating the need for office staff to make these calls. The service also features integrated voice over IP, so patients can connect with the dentist's office to change or cancel appointments.

"Dental offices have already reported a significant reduction in staff-related costs and as much as a 50 percent reduction in missed appointments through better contact rates," said Ulanet in a press release. "Combined with our Web-based delivery model and easy-to-use consumer portal, this service represents the next evolution in dentist-patient communications."

The service is currently available nationwide to all Dentisoft customers. Installation is free, and the automated calls are charged at 15 cents a minute.

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