Stock guru Cramer: Dental stocks are hot now

Dental stocks are the hottest performing group in the market at the moment, according to CNBC "Mad Money" host Jim Cramer.

As long as the U.S. economy is doing well, dental stocks will do the same, according to a story. Cramer specifically highlighted Henry Schein, Patterson Dental, and Sirona Dental Systems in the story.

"I think this is one of those situations where it makes sense to pay up a bit for best of breed, rather than settling for second best," he said.

According to Cramer, with an economy recovering from the Great Recession, consumers have more money to spend on dental procedures. Dental care is a $116 billion market that is growing 3% annually, the story noted.

As the U.S. population ages, it tends to need a lot more dental work, according to Cramer. And there's also a real expansion of the global middle class, which means more demand for dentistry worldwide, he said.

However, new ADA research found that U.S. dentists' earnings are not rebounding despite several years of economic recovery. The last few years have seen a stagnation of dental spending, an increased number of dentists and, as a result, stagnant dentist earnings, the study found.

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