Wichita says no to fluoride; APHA study applauds dental therapists

Dear DrBicuspid Member,

Antifluoridation activists scored a victory in Kansas last week when nearly 60% of Wichita voters decided against water fluoridation. In the meantime, opposition groups are offering to work with fluoridation proponents to help improve access to care for low-income children, and some politicians pledged to take the issue statewide.

Read more in this latest Restoratives Community feature.

In other news, dental therapists provide quality care while improving access to care in a cost-effective way, and their participation in school-based programs is linked to declines in the rate of caries in several countries, according to a global literature review presented at the recent American Public Health Association (APHA) annual meeting.

Meanwhile, over in the Imaging & CAD/CAM Community, quantitative laser fluorescence could be a useful tool in epidemiological studies designed to quantify fluorosis and distinguish between fluoridated and nonfluoridated populations, according to a new study in BMC Oral Health.

Finally, in Cosmetics Community news, ceramic mandibular veneers are likely to be as successful as veneer restorations placed on maxillary anterior teeth, according to a study in the Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry.

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