Ask Marty: Which soft-tissue laser do you recommend?

2014 02 13 13 44 51 873 Ask Marty200x200

Q: I am thinking of investing in a soft-tissue laser. Which is a good one to buy? I can spend up to $6,000. What is your view on the AMD Picasso laser?

A: First, know what you want the laser to do. If it is strictly for troughing around crown preps or minor soft-tissue procedures, then any diode laser should work for you. Will you need to share the laser with your hygienist to complement your scaling and root planing? Do you want a "point and shoot" laser, or do you want to have control over the pulse rate and have higher power outputs? After determining what your needs are, you can begin looking at those lasers that best fit the bill.

The Picasso Lite diode laser by AMD Lasers.The Picasso Lite diode laser by AMD Lasers.
The Picasso Lite diode laser by AMD Lasers.

You specifically asked about AMD Lasers' Picasso product. AMD has changed the dental laser world by bringing quality low-cost lasers to the market. AMD makes two diode lasers and a soon-to-be-released erbium hard-tissue laser.

The Picasso Lite is a 2.5-watt diode point and shoot laser. This is a nice laser for the operatory or hygiene room. It has three presets that will fit most soft-tissue needs.

The Picasso diode laser by AMD Lasers.The Picasso diode laser by AMD Lasers.
The Picasso diode laser by AMD Lasers.

The Picasso is a 7-watt diode laser that allows you to customize the pulse modes and do more procedures than the Lite version. If you want to do laser bleaching, then the Picasso would be the choice. All Picasso lasers offer the choice of disposable tips or cleavable fiber.

Another point and shoot laser is the Discus Dental NV. This is a handheld 2-watt diode laser that can fit your pocket. Weighing only 1.9 ounces and completely self-contained, NV's wire-free handheld design gives you the freedom to carry your laser in your pocket. The NV uses disposable tips.

With regard to your budget, $6,000 will get you either the Picasso or NV laser. If you want multiple lasers to place throughout your office, you can purchase three Picasso Lite lasers for less than $6,000.

The Discus Dental NV diode laser.The Discus Dental NV diode laser.
The Discus Dental NV diode laser.

Martin Jablow, D.M.D., is a practicing dentist and a self-professed technophile who lectures and blogs on a variety of technologies used in dentistry ( If you have a technology question for Dr. Jablow, e-mail it to us at [email protected].

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