Ask Marty: What influenced the way you practiced in 2010?

2014 02 13 13 44 51 873 Ask Marty200x200

Q: What influenced the way you practiced in 2010?

A: There were a number of different modalities that influenced the way I treated patients in 2010. Some were enhancements to current technologies, while others were new and exciting additions to my armamentarium.

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GC America's Fuji II glass ionomer.
The biggest change was the adoption of ozone into my practice. Ozone used as a gas or infused into water is bactericidal. Ozone assists in many procedures from operative to endodontics. In the hygiene room, irrigation with ozonated water assists in reducing the bacteria associated with gingivitis and periodontal disease. Irrigation of canals while doing root canal therapy will assist in disinfecting the canal.

In the operatory, it has allowed me to incorporate even more of the concepts of minimally invasive dentistry. Ozone led me to increase the amount of glass ionomer I use to remineralize infected teeth. So I changed to using more of GC America's Fuji II and Fuji 9, along with Triage, in my efforts to preserve tooth structure.

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DentalEZ's EverLight LED operatory light.
Light-emitting diode (LED) technology changed illumination and curing in my office. My new operatory light from DentalEZ, the EverLight, has given me brighter illumination without shadows in the oral cavity. It incorporates three different light settings: daylight for color selection, a normal setting for everyday dentistry, and a setting to reduce composite curing.

I also reduced the size of the headlight on my loupes with a small LED light from DentLight called the Nano loupe light.

The light was quite a bit brighter and smaller than my previous model. I am currently awaiting the Freedom cordless light from Orascoptic in an effort to cut the cord for my headlight. (I'll tell you more about the Freedom in 2011.)

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DentLight's Fusion curing lamp.
The curing of composites was enhanced through the use of DentLight's Fusion and Kerr Dental's Demi Plus.

DentLight Fusion is a pen-grip-style curing light that has high output and can also be upgraded to a cancer detection aid. The Demi Plus continues the Dematron tradition with gun-style high-power curing. I am appreciating the faster curing and feeling better about the depth of cure from these lights.

In an effort to do better dentistry, I also increased the magnification of my surgical loupes. I changed from my Buddy Holly style Designs For Vision 4.5X to Orascoptic's 5X magnification. My new loupes are considerably lighter in weight, and after the obligatory adjustment period they have provided me with the increased magnification I desire along with increased comfort.

I have used many laser wavelengths in my practice for both hard and soft tissue for many years. Although the lasers were portable, nothing beats the Discus Dental NV Microlaser.

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Discus Dental's NV Microlaser.
This wireless handheld laser is easy to use and transport between operatories. There is no longer a hassle factor associated with using a soft-tissue laser in multiple operatories. It is lightweight, fits in your pocket, and will handle most soft-tissue procedures.

The last item is the ComfortDrive handpiece from KaVo Dental. The ComfortDrive gives the power and torque of electrics without the weight to which some dentists object. The ComfortDrive will not bog down while preparing teeth (I know -- I tried). The ComfortDrive is not a replacement for my Bien Air electric motor, which offers the versatility that many times I require -- such as using the same motor for endodontics or dialing in the exact RPMs I want the handpiece to turn for caries removal. However, there are times I really appreciate the light weight of the ComfortDrive handpiece. So for anyone considering an electric hybrid solution, consider the ComfortDrive.

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KaVo's ComfortDrive handpiece.
These are just a few of the technologies that have improved the treatment my patients receive and made treatment easier in the past year. I look forward to sharing with you in 2011 many new technologies that I am currently evaluating in my practice. We will see which ones make the final cut and become the next round of products that influence the way I practice.

Martin Jablow, D.M.D., is a practicing dentist and a self-professed technophile who lectures and blogs on a variety of technologies used in dentistry ( If you have a technology question for Dr. Jablow, e-mail it to us at [email protected].

The comments and observations expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the opinions of, nor should they be construed as an endorsement or admonishment of any particular idea, vendor, or organization.

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