Kerr publishes portfolio of SonicFill research

Kerr has published a compendium of 13 scientific studies featuring its SonicFill composite system.

This collection comes on the heels of the recent global launch of SonicFill, a composite system that enables clinicians to perform posterior restorations with a bulk fill technology using a sonic-activated handpiece, according to the company.

Topics in the portfolio include a six-month recall clinical evaluation of restorations using SonicFill and comparisons with traditional composite material and placement techniques; study data on the viscosity change of SonicFill when subjected to sonic vibration; and analysis data on SonicFill's depth of cure, mechanical properties, flexural strength, volumetric shrinkage, and compressive strength.

"These third-party clinical studies highlight the advantages of bulk placement using this technology," stated Leo Pranitis, Kerr's vice president of global marketing and innovation, in a press release. "The studies further validate that dentists can expect equal or better results when using SonicFill compared to bulk fill flowables or traditional composites placed in layers."

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