Whip Mix offers limited edition pink articulator

2011 09 29 11 51 36 10 Whip Mix Pink Denar Articulator 150

In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Whip Mix is offering a limited edition pink Denar Mark 320 articulator.

Whip Mix's pink Denar Mark 320 articulator.Whip Mix's pink Denar Mark 320 articulator.
Whip Mix's pink Denar Mark 320 articulator.

The articulator will be available beginning October 1, and Whip Mix will be donating a portion of the sales to the American Cancer Society to help fund cancer research.

The Pink Denar Mark 320 articulator has all the same features as the original model. It's a semiadjustable articulator with progressive sideshift fixed at 15° and an adjustable condylar inclination (0° to 60°). The three-point magnetic system ensures stability of cases and makes it interchangeable with any Mark 300 Series articulator.

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