Amyndas touts study on gingivitis

2021 03 19 22 17 1783 Dental Tools Gum 400

Amyndas Pharmaceuticals has announced positive results from its phase II study evaluating a peptide in 39 patients with periodontal inflammation and gingivitis.

The study looked at the effectiveness of AMY-101, a synthetic cyclic peptide designed to inhibit the mechanisms that causes gum inflammation. Local administration of AMY-101 reversed preexisting, naturally occurring periodontal inflammation in monkeys, so the firm decided to test the peptide in humans.

In the randomized, placebo-controlled trial, researchers administered AMY-101 locally once a week for three weeks to affected tissues. The peptide resolved inflammation, as demonstrated by significantly reduced bleeding and gingival inflammation index.

The resolution occurred in 21 days, and the benefit was maintained for at least 90 days without mechanical treatment, Amyndas said. Additionally, AMY-101 was safe and well tolerated in trial participants, according to the company.

Amyndas eventually plans to pursue a multicenter phase III trial of AMY-101.

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