Endodontics Insider: The merging of nanobiotechnology and endodontics

Dear Endodontics Insider,

A student researcher has found a way to merge nanobiotechnology with endodontics. Dr. Sanam Kheirieh, a graduating endodontics resident at the University of Maryland, has created a scaffold that can fight harmful bacteria. Read Assistant Editor Theresa Pablos' Insider Exclusive.

In other Endodontics Community news, hundreds of dentists, exhibitors, and researchers flocked to San Francisco for the 2016 American Association of Endodontists (AAE) annual session on April 6-9. The meeting included research presentations, speaker sessions, and product demonstrations. Here is a slideshow of just a few of the conference highlights.

Studies evaluating and comparing various options for pain control and management for endodontic patients were presented at AAE 2016. Topics included comparisons of liposomal bupivacaine with conventional bupivacaine and new formulations of ibuprofen. Read Features Editor Donna Domino's article here.

Researchers evaluated and compared various anesthetics for endodontic treatments, and they also presented their findings at the AAE meeting. Topics included comparisons of articaine and lidocaine and using supplemental intraseptal injections when nerve blocks fail. Find out more here.

William S. Spiegel and Dr. Marc R. Leffler present a complex legal case in which a patient died after a root canal and antibiotic prescription. The use of antibiotics in root canal therapy often generates considerable discussion. This tragic case will add to those discussions. Read more here.

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