Study: iRoot SP equal to AH Plus in apical sealing

A new root canal sealer, the iRoot SP Root Canal Sealer from Veriodent, prevented apical leakage as well as AH Plus from Dentsply International in a study reported in Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodontology (June 2009, Vol. 107:6, pp. e79-e82).

Researchers from Wuhan University in China removed the crowns from 68 extracted anterior single-root human teeth and prepared the root canals with files.

They divided the teeth into three groups, filling one with iRoot SP using the continuous wave condensation technique, another with iRoot SP using a single condensation technique, and a third with AH Plus using the continuous wave technique.

The researchers evaluated the apical leakage using fluid filtration at 24 hours and 1, 4, and 8 weeks. They also examined the samples using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to look for leaks.

They found no significant differences in fluid leakage among the three groups and no time effect on leakage (p > 0.05), and the SEM images revealed gaps and gap-free regions in canals filled with both materials.

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