Dos and don'ts for patient communication

2014 02 13 13 44 50 61 Practice Success200x200

Plan how you introduce new technology to patients

Acquiring new clinical technology is one thing. How you communicate about it with patients is something else altogether. Most patients will be impressed when you upgrade the practice's technological capabilities. It demonstrates your commitment to their well-being. It shows your desire to constantly improve your services. And it identifies you as a leading-edge source of dental care.


Develop scripting to inform patients about your new technology. All team members should be trained with scripting so they can show excitement and enthusiasm about new technology at the practice. They need to understand what it does and what the patient benefits are -- and communicate these points to patients.


Don't limit who you tell or for how long. Advanced technology will be impressive to all patients -- even those who will not benefit from it directly -- so tell everyone how great it is. Be sure to feature it on the practice website and in social media, to reach a broader audience. And keep in mind that it will become "old news" for you and team members long before it does for patients.

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