Dalhousie Univ. investigates Facebook group of male dental students

Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, is investigating disturbing and sexually explicit comments posted about female students on a Facebook group consisting of male dental students, according to a news story on CBC News.

The group, called the Class of DDS 2015 Gentlemen, consisted of 12 members and was removed from Facebook late last week, according to the story.

University President Richard Florizone issued a statement postponing the fourth-year dentistry exam to January 2015 given the seriousness of the situation and the anxiety it has caused the students.

He added that the school will take a "victim-centered" approach that will focus on "understanding and repairing the harm caused."

"It's a bit of a complicated process," Janet Bryson, a spokeswoman for Dalhousie University, told CBC News. "There might be a number of students that are involved and trying to ensure that they're getting the support that they need as we go forward investigating it."

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