ADA adds new features to 'Chairside Instructor'

The ADA has revised its "Chairside Instructor" guide to include 49 new photos and illustrations.

The 44-page guide, a tool for dentists to educate their patients or for auxiliaries in training, is now laminated to help dental staff keep it clean. The format has also been changed to a horizontal one, designed for easy sharing with patients. And tabs facilitate quick topic location.

The guide is also available in a digital format and as an Apple iOS app. With the app, dentists can draw pictures, add comments, email them to patients, and save them for future use. The app, $99 for members and $149 for nonmembers, can be used on up to six Apple devices and is in English only.

The publication covers a range of prevention and treatment topics, including oral hygiene, anatomy, x-rays, gum disease, tooth decay, dental crowns and bridges, dentures, root canals, orthodontics, and cosmetic dental procedures.

The "Chairside Instructor" is available as a 44-page laminated book or as a digital edition for $59.95 for ADA members and $89.95 retail price at

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