Virtual dental home project tests cloud-based software

The Pacific Center for Special Care at the University of the Pacific (UOP) Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry is using the Denticon cloud-based dental software application from Planet DDS to help deliver better oral healthcare to individuals with special needs.

Through this Virtual Dental Home project, the center is demonstrating the use of nondentist oral health professionals to reach out to people with special needs in community locations where they live or receive social or general health services. These professionals gathered electronic records, which include digital x-rays, photographs, and charts, then collaborate remotely, via the Internet, with licensed dentists. Once a treatment plan is determined, the approach to that treatment, including where and when, can be decided.

"Finding the right internet technology solution is one of the keys to the success of this project," said Paul Glassman, DDS, MBA, a professor of dental practice at UOP and director of the virtual dental home project. "Denticon dental software is unique in its ability to gather the information we need and communicate the data real-time or later on over the Internet."

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