Fair Health offers fee estimator for dentists

Fair Health has launched an online fee estimator to help physicians and dentists benchmark charges based on specialty and geography.

The FH Fee Estimator can help physicians and dentists expand their practice into new geographic areas or new specialties by providing information on how fees may differ in a number of categories. It will also allow healthcare professionals to estimate the financial impact of new equipment purchases and leases by showing the fees associated with new services, according to a company press release.

The site provides healthcare professionals with access to charge information based on Fair Health's database of billions of medical and dental procedures. Healthcare professionals who license the Fair Health data can download benchmark fees for dental procedures and more than 40 medical specialties.

Charge data offered through FH Fee Estimator are sorted into approximately 500 geographic regions nationwide so that the information is relevant to practices operating in one or multiple regions. The tool provides charge benchmarks for a variety of percentiles, ranging from the 50th to the 95th. The data are based on claims contributed to Fair Health by more than 70 insurers, plan administrators, and others for a prior 12-month period.

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