Book explores online marketing strategies for dentists

Fred Joyal, co-founder of 1-800-DENTIST, has released the fourth edition of his dental marketing book, Everything is Marketing: The Ultimate Strategy for Dental Practice Growth, with updated strategies to help dentists explore new marketing channels.

In the latest version, Joyal addresses changes in the evolving digital world, including a chapter on online marketing. He explores Google+, Living Social, Twitter, Groupon, search engine optimization, how to respond to negative reviews, monitoring dentists' online reputations, text messaging, and incorporating digital technology into the practice. In addition, the book includes an explanation of how Facebook's newest layout changes affect the dental practice.

Everything is Marketingcan be purchased at or on It's available as hardcover, audio book and Kindle, with special pricing available for group purchases of 10 or more. Dentists who own previous versions of the book can also request a free copy of the new online marketing chapter by emailing [email protected].

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