Slots available in 2012 marketing study for dentists

SmartBox Web Marketing is seeking dentists to participate in a new study designed to quantify patient use of the Internet compared with a dental practice's ranking in various geographic markets.

By mapping Internet traffic and phone calls generated from various advertisements and listings across the Internet as it relates to dentists and dental specialists, SmartBox intends to determine what areas and niches in dentistry will benefit the most from having a strong Web presence, the company noted.

Dentists of all types and specialties can participate in the study as long as they meet the following criteria:

  • They must be an actual dental practice, not a dental supply warehouse.
  • They must have had a dental website promoting their practice for at least one year.

As part of the study, SmartBox will provide participating dentists with an analysis of their local community, including the number of people who conduct Internet searches, particularly for their specialty or general practice.

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