Maine bond passage could improve dental care

Maine voters passed a $5 million bond November 2 that will help the state improve dental care, according to a story in Canadian Business and other news reports.

The bond money will be used to improve access to affordable services, create more dental clinics, and build a dental school.

Some $3.5 million of the bond will help build a teaching clinic as part of the newly proposed dental school in Maine, according to the story, while $1.5 million would help dental clinics offer care to some 60,000 people a year who currently miss out on checkups.

57% of voters supported the bond, while 43% rejected it.

Nearly 250,000 Maine residents don't get the dental care they need because they live too far from a provider or can't afford it, according to supporters of the bond. They have contended that an in-state school would encourage more would-be dentists to stay in Maine after they graduate.

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