Present perfect

Editor's note: The Coaches Corner column appears regularly on the advice and opinion page, Second Opinion.

Recently, I heard something that sums up a great philosophy on life: "The past is history; the future's a mystery. So live in the moment."

"Living in the moment" is a phrase life coaches use a lot. Many people mistakenly think it means we should give in to our hedonistic impulses without regard to their consequences or the future. To coaches, however, living in the moment means you appreciate everything you have in your life right now. The good, the bad, and the indifferent all represent the choices you have made and the actions you have taken that got you to this point. So enjoy the present moment; it's your creation.

A lot of people -- dentists included -- seem to live in the past. They focus on past events, experiences, or relations -- good and bad. In their minds they continue to relive those events, experiencing the same feelings of sorrow, shame, or even glory, over and over. For them, there is no present because their minds are always in the past. The future is merely a repeat of the past. Sort of like watching Brady Bunch reruns ... forever.

Others live in the future. You can tell when you talk to them. They constantly talk about "when they get rich" or when a certain thing will happen. Meanwhile, the present for them is empty of any joy and satisfaction.

There's a reason the months of the year have different names and the years have different numbers. Life is meant to be a journey, and a journey means progress and transition. If all you do is wait for something to happen in the future, you'll be missing out on all the presents.

The past no longer exists. It is recorded as memory in our neurons. The future never gets here because … it's always the future. Our only reality is the present. If you don't like your present, change it. Make different choices, take different action. Develop better relationships. You can do it. Forget the past, don't worry about the future, and make your present perfect.

Alan Stafford, D.D.S., M.B.A., M.A.G.D., is a certified coach who shows dentists how to create the perfect practice and the perfect life: more time, less stress, more joy. Contact Dr. Stafford at [email protected] or [email protected].

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