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ADA offers e-mail from vendors

How's your e-mail in-box looking these days? Does it need a few messages from dental suppliers? The American Dental Association (ADA) is betting your answer will be yes.

The ADA has started a new service -- ADA Vendor Showcase -- where members and subscribers can sign up to receive special product offers, discounts, rewards, and manufacturer surveys that could win them free products or gift cards.

Subscribers will receive three e-mail messages a month about new products and services, and many of the offers will be exclusive to ADA Vendor Showcase participants.

"Given the popularity of the annual session exhibits, we wanted to offer our members an opportunity to receive more information about products and services from our exhibitors as well as from companies that support ADA publications and other projects," said Dr. James B. Bramson, ADA executive director.

ADA Vendor Showcase subscribers will also receive information about ADA activities and forthcoming features in JADA. The service starts in January 2008. To sign up click here.

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