Kitware offers free access to 3D imaging software

Kitware is making VolView, a commercial product for exploring and analyzing complex 3D medical or scientific data, available free of charge to researchers around the world

First developed in 1999 as an interactive system for volume visualization, VolView allows users to load and explore imaging datasets using both 2D and 3D display methods. Kitware has produced numerous customized versions of VolView, including for dental planning.

Compatible with Windows, Mac, or Linux, VolView is capable of volume rendering, maximum intensity projections, and oblique reformatting. In addition, VolView can load multiple datasets simultaneously, support creating and applying 2D and 3D display presets, and make image measurements within a user-defined contour.

"Our goal is to provide this advanced imaging tool to researchers around the world and work with the imaging community to improve the capabilities and help us make a future version of VolView system both free and open source," said Rick Avila, senior director of healthcare solutions at Kitware, in a press release

Although not approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, VolView has been commercially available for more than a decade.

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