
Silver Diamine Fluoride 20180927103820
Silver Diamine Fluoride: Who, What, Where, When, and How?
Learn about the basic science of SDF and clinical applications of SDF.

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Secrets of going insurance independent in an era of declining reimbursement
Learn the formula for determining if your practice is ready to go insurance independent today.

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Insurance Policy 20180927103833
Handpieces 20180927103909
Dental Handpieces: Reprocessing and Reuse, Got Contaminant?
Learn how to properly sterilize dental handpieces.

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Infection Control in Dental Practices
Learn about the most recent CDC infection prevention recommendations and specific state regulations for infection control in dentistry.

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Cdc 20180927103858
Autistic 20180927103847
Understanding the Autistic Dental Patient
This course will explain the core characteristics of ASD and how these can both positively and negatively affect dental treatment.

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