Williams Q&A; Levin on delegation; what procedures are general dentists doing

Dear DrBicuspid Member,

Insurance expert Dr. Doyle Williams is back to help you with your coding dilemmas. In this column, he answers some of your questions submitted via email, including those on topics such as crowns and bridges, bone grafts for ridge preservation, and grafting with bone materials.

As a practice owner, you need to spend your time on the actions that will have the greatest positive impact on your business and its bottom line. In his latest Practice Success tip, Dr. Roger P. Levin asks: What should you be doing more of, and what should you be doing less of?

In an article to mark the launch of our Restoratives Community, a new study in BMC Oral Health finds that nonimplant restorations, aesthetic work, and extractions are the most common procedures by general dentists. More general dentists are also doing endodontic and periodontal procedures instead of referring patients to specialists, according to the study. Find out more here.

Stainless steel crowns had a lower failure rate when compared with amalgam, composite, and glass ionomer restorations in more than 1,900 procedures on patients with special needs, according to a recent study. The researchers focused on both the effectiveness of certain restorative materials and clinical outcomes of treatment under general anesthesia.

I'm pleased to announce the launch of our Restoratives Community, sponsored by Bisco. We bring you complete coverage of the entire universe of restorative materials and techniques, from amalgam, composites, and ionomers to crowns, bridges, and implants. Sign up to be an Insider, here.

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