Dentists' earnings stagnate; McKenzie on overhead; Butler on making the holidays memorable

Dear DrBicuspid Member,

Dentists' earnings are not rebounding despite several years of economic recovery, according to new ADA research. Recent years have seen a stagnation of consumer dental spending, an increased number of dentists, and stagnant dentist earnings, the study found. Read Features Editor Donna Domino's article here.

Practice management consultant Sally McKenzie asks if your overhead costs are more than 55% of your production. If they are, she offers three practical ideas to manage these costs, make your days more productive, and possibly increase your practice's profitability.

In her latest column, stress management expert Jen Butler offers four tips to reduce holiday stress and make this time of year memorable, for the right reasons. She writes that even during the holidays, having a plan is the key to success.

A new paper in the Canadian Journal of Dental Hygiene highlights the crisis in children's oral care and offers a proven program of treatment and behavior modification that has shown results in improving children's oral hygiene. Read more here.

If you haven't taken the opportunity to benefit from Dr. Doyle Williams' years of experience in the insurance industry as to how to appeal a denial for covered services, you can do so here.

Tomorrow we'll be sending out our exclusive Imaging & CAD/CAM Insider. If you haven't already signed up for this free Insider, you can do so here.

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