How you can help wounded vets; Levin on vision in a practice; Carol on efficiency

Dear DrBicuspid Member,

For the more than 40,000 wounded U.S. veterans returning from Afghanistan and Iraq, the problems they face involve more than just readjusting to home life. And while all veterans deserve the best care, oral health issues in these returning warriors are sometimes neglected. Rebuilding America's Warriors (RAW) is an organization dedicated to helping these veterans. Read more and find out how you can help here.

Vision is the source of professional motivation. A written vision statement articulates where you want the practice to be in the future, according to Dr. Roger P. Levin. In his latest Practice Success Tip, he notes the importance of identifying long-term goals and offers tips for making your vision a reality.

In our latest Leaders in Dentistry interview, speaks with Dr. Edward H. Moody Jr., president-elect of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD), an organization dedicated to improving the oral care of children. But rather than trying to go it alone, the AAPD has worked consistently and innovatively to build bridges locally and nationally. Read his thoughts here.

In her latest column, Dr. Clara Carol writes that dentists should implement systems that maximize efficiency and mobility between different operations. She offers some information that can help dentists increase their productivity. Read more of her tested ideas here.

Last week, as the Veterans Affairs healthcare scandal erupted, highlighted an organization, and dentists, working to help rebuild returning veterans' oral healthcare. It goes without saying that giving vets their smile back has a profound impact on all aspects of their life.

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